The liquidation of assets by the Wind-Down Entity is being administered primarily by the Wind-Down CEO. The Board of Managers of the Wind-Down Entity oversees the Wind-Down CEO to the extent set forth in the Wind-Down LLC Agreement. The Board of Managers consists of: Frederick Chin (who is also the Wind-Down CEO), M. Freddie Reiss, and Richard Nevins.
The prosecution of litigation and the distribution of cash by the Liquidation Trust is being administered primarily by the Liquidation Trustee. A Liquidation Trust Supervisory Board oversees the Liquidation Trustee to the extent set forth in the Liquidation Trust Agreement. The current members of the Liquidation Trust Supervisory Board are: Jay Beynon, Dr. Raymond C. Blackburn, Terry Goebel, Lynn Myrick, John J. O’Neill, and M. Freddie Reiss. Three of these individuals were nominated to the Liquidation Trust Supervisory Board by the Committee, one member was nominated by each of the Unitholder Committee and the Noteholder Committee, and the sixth member (Mr. Reiss) was elected by the other five members.